In the past decade or so Gibraltar has seen a massive expansion in its infrastructure. Apart from its financial market and offshore banking facilities, the powers that be have implemented a very healthy construction programme for the city, providing housing, parking facilities, roadworks, leisure amenities, sport centres and generally modernising our city. This has created a great demand for materials. Our company has invested in these dreams and aspirations and has been party to the making of a better city of Gibraltar. Construction products, especially reinforcing steel has been much sought after. We have been able to supply and keep up with these demands quite successfully.

Also worthy of mention is the cityás requirement to build a larger power station for the ever growing electricity needs of our expanding city. Our company has been able to assist in supplying a series of portable generators on hire to the Electricity Authority during this interim period while the new power station is being built. In effect, we are always very keen on satisfying our customers´ demands and we treat every order with equal importance irrespective of the quantity being ordered.

The true extent of products and trademarks supplied is inexhaustible and we are always there for the customer and whatever specific product they require.